Thursday, September 15, 2011

What do you know about ticks

!±8± What do you know about ticks

If you're a pet owner, you probably have a war against ticks for some time. This is especially true if your pet lives outdoors or spend a lot of time outdoors on a regular basis. Unfortunately, these parasites are carriers of a number of different diseases and, although they are free of disease, can maintain a high degree of irritation for your pet. Therefore, it is important for you to know more about ticks, so you can take the right measures to prevent thisDamage to your pet.

The Tick Life Cycle

The first step to learn how to prevent and get rid of ticks is to get a better understanding of their life cycle. All ticks go through four stages of development. These include:

• Egg
• Larva
• Nymph
• Adults

Surprisingly, this whole life cycle to be completed in less than 2 months. In addition, the tick is feeding the blood at all stages of the life cycle. If the check mark in the larvaStep is to feed and then drop the host changes to a nymph. If you are in the nymph stage, it will fall out and turns into an adult. When the adult tick is a female, then it will lay eggs and continue the cycle.

Connecting to a host

If the check is ready to feed, look for a host using the heat-sensors. If you feel a hot object that passes, the tax falling on the host or hosts by adhering to its fur or clothing. Once the check landed on aHost moves, it is in an area where there is little 'hair, or where it is easier to feed the other. For this reason, ticks are more commonly found on the skin around the lips and ears of the animals.

For feeding, the tick inserts its mouthparts into the skin to begin. These mouthparts are locked after they are inserted. Once the tick has finished their meal, remove the mouthparts, is the host and seeks protection. If the tick is a female, then lay their eggs and. Die

Removing ticks

Given that ticks lay their mouthparts into the host and block the mouth parts in place, the removal of ticks can be quite difficult. The best method of removal is to grasp the tick with tweezers as close as possible to its peak. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the tick's body as you pull it out. Do not be alarmed if you come along parts of the skin with the tick, as this is quite normal. If the head of the tick remains in the skin, use tweezers to try to remove as muchof the head as possible. If some remains of the head, natural immune system of your pet is going to work, around the head during removal.

Preventing ticks

Although it is not 100% guarantee of a way to keep your pet free of ticks, you can reduce the chances of tick infestation, avoiding wooded areas, areas with low shrubs and grass areas, such as ticks are more common in all these seats. You can also commercial products that will help keep ticks away. Moremost importantly, carefully monitor your pet, you can remove ticks as quickly as possible and prevent your pet.

What do you know about ticks

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